Downloadable below is a .zip archive with the public Project Performance Database (PPD) 2.x. The archive contains project data in .csv and .dta format and a detailed codebook.
The PPD is, at present, the world's largest database of development projects which includes project outcome ratings of holistic project performance. This PPD 2 is joint with Ranjit Lall & Brad Parks and undergirds our 2022 AJPS paper. The PPD 2 contains project evaluations from 12 bilateral and multilateral aid agencies between 1956 and 2016, including more than 20,000 unique foreign aid projects taking place in 183 recipient countries around the world. The PPD 2 fully incorporates and expands on the PPD 1 originally made public in February 2018 and used in my 2018 book Navigation by Judgment, which contained over 14,000 projects and 8 aid agencies. Those looking for the original PPD 1 (e.g. for replicating academic work which employs the data) can find it on the Harvard Dataverse here. If I can answer any questions or provide any clarification on the data, or be of help thinking through potential uses of the data, etc. please do not hesitate to contact me.
Project Performance Database v2.1 April 1 2022 (zip)